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People's Theatre

Hermann Helmer, Ferdinand Fellner

alias Népszinház
Historia del teatrosuplementodatos técnicosEquipamiento histórico


(Detalle)Hermann Helmer |arquitecto principal
The phenomenon of the architects Fellner and Helmer would be difficult to capture with only one building. Their work consisted of continual, although somewhat stereotypical, work in terms of style. They placed a great emphasis on achieving the technical-operational needs of theatre buildings. They created a large number of theatres (mainly national theatres) in Central Europe - Austria, Croatia, Romania, the Czech Republic, etc.Más teatros

Ferdinand Fellner |arquitecto principal
(Detalle)Theodor Friedl |sculptor

Sculptor, author of original decoration in Prague State Opera.

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DIENES, Gerhard M. et al Fellner & Helmer: Die Architekten der Illusion : Theaterbau und Bühnenbild in Europa : anlässlich des Jubiläums "100 Jahre Grazer. Graz: Stadtmuseum, 1999. ISBN 39-007-6421-2. p. 148



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