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National Theatre Munich

Karl von Fischer

alias Nationaltheater München
Historia del teatrosuplementodatos técnicosEquipamiento histórico

eventos importantes

(Detalle)10. de 19. siglo | construction
Built between 1811-1818 by Karl von Fischer.
(Detalle)12.10.1818 | opening
Opened with "Die Weihe" by Albert Klebe.
(Detalle)1823 | fire

(Detalle)1823 | alteration
Rebuilt after 1823 by Klenze.
(Detalle)2.10.1943 | destruction
Destroyed by an allied air attack.
(Detalle)21.11.1963 | Alteration
Reconstructed between 1958-1963 by Gerhard Graubner. Re-opened with Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss.


Karl von Fischer |arquitecto principal
Leo von Klenze |arquitecto




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