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Theatr of Sapieha in Różana

Jan Samuel Becker

Historia del teatrosuplementodatos técnicosEquipamiento histórico

eventos importantes

(Detalle)1788 | construction


(Detalle)Jan Samuel Becker |arquitecto principal
Saxon architect. He made plans for rebuilding the Palace of Sapieha.


During the enlargement of the residence in Różana, completed in 1788, Aleksander Sapieha had an outhouse erected, joined to the palace by a column gallery. It was a large building with one entrance, centrally located, housing a riding stable on the left and a theatre on the right. The architect both of the enlargement and of the theatre interior was Jan Samuel Becker. The auditorium, with stalls and two-storey boxes, was decorated with Ionic columns and there was Sapiehas’ emblem on the axis of the stage portal. The dukes had two private boxes: a stage box and a central one. In “the very pretty, though not very large theatre” French and Polish plays were performed on the stage, equipped with seven pairs of wings. Apart from high society, peasants’ children educated in the local school also participated in the performances. The residence went to ruin already in the 19th century, and was devastated during both world wars. Only the exterior walls of the theatre outhouse remain today; although they are in very bad condition, they give a certain idea of the scale of the building, being at the same time one of only a few material examples of evidence of aristocratic theatre architecture.



1. Katalog rysunków z Gabinetu Rycin Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie. Część 2. Miejscowości różne, oprac. T. Sulerzyska, Warszawa 1969.

2. Król-Kaczorowska Barbara, Teatr dawnej Polski. Budynki, dekoracje, kostiumy, Warszawa 1971.



Autor: Jarosław Komorowski

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