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Heinrich Christian Seeling

Storia del teatroSupplementodati tecniciHistoric equipment

Eventi importanti

(dettaglio)16.9.1892 | opening
Built in 1880-1892 according to the design by Heinrich Seeling. Opened on 16 September of 1892 with Lessing's drama Minna von Barnhelm.
(dettaglio)40. di 20. secolo | reconstruction
The building was destroyed by allied bombs in 1944, it was restored with a much simpler façade by Johannes Borsch & Willhelm Seidensticher and re-opened in 1950 with Wagner's opera Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg. Seating capacity: 750
(dettaglio)80. di 20. secolo | reconstruction
Following a major reconstruction by the architect Werner Ruhau and a reduction of the auditorium from 670 to 400 seats, the Grillo-Theater became a flexible smaller venue; it re-opened in September 1990 with Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. (Wikipedia)


Werner Ruhau |architetto
Johannes Borsch |architetto




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