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Josef Tölk, Franz Krauß

Storia del teatroSupplementodati tecniciHistoric equipment

Eventi importanti

(dettaglio)1905 | Construction


Josef Tölk |architetto principale
Franz Krauß |architetto principale
(dettaglio)Eduard Felix Veith |Pittore

He belongs among representatives of Realism of the end of 19th century. It is possible to find his frescoes or paintings in Bucharest, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, but in Ostrava, Prague, Łańcut, Brno and Nový Jičín as well. He created a painted curtain and eight ceiling paintings in Prague German Theatre (today’s State opera). He also participated on interior decoration of theatres in Ostrava, Brno, Berlin, Vienna or Prague Rudolfinum.

In: http://www.amaterskedivadlo.cz/main.php?data=opona&id=151

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