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Ferdinand Fellner, Hermann Helmer

Storia del teatroSupplementodati tecniciHistoric equipment

Eventi importanti

(dettaglio)4.2.1914 | opening
Designed and built in 1911-1913 by Fellner & Helmer. The complex comprises two completely separate buildings: the "Konzerthaus" concert hall, and the "K. k. Akademie für Musik und darstellende Kunst" (Royal Aacademy of Music and Performing Arts). Opened with Ein Maskenball by Giuseppe Verdi .
(dettaglio)1916 | alteration
1914-1916: Renovation work on the facade.
(dettaglio)1952 | alteration
Modification of the interiors of the Mozart hall
(dettaglio)70. di 20. secolo | alteration
1972-1975: Renovation work in Large -Schubert and Mozart Hall.
(dettaglio)1983 | alteration
Installation of a central heating system.


Ferdinand Fellner |architetto principale
Hermann Helmer |architetto principale
Ludwig Baumann |architetto



– Gerhard M. Dienes (ed.), Fellner & Hellmer: Die Architekten der Illusion. Theaterbau und Bühnenbild in Europa, Graz 1999, pp. 210–213



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