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Opernhaus auf der Cortina

Lodovico Ottavio Burnacini

Storia del teatroSupplementodati tecniciHistoric equipment

Eventi importanti

(dettaglio)1666 | construction

(dettaglio)1683 | closure



A separate wooden building was constructed in what is now the Bibliothekshof  by Lodovico Ottavio Bumacini for the wedding of Leopold I and Margarita Teresa in 1666. It had a rectangular shape (64.6 x 26.6 m., 14.6 m. in height) with three galleries and probably seated about 1000 persons.


In: Harer, Ingeborg (1995) "Musical Venues in Vienna, Seventeenth Century to the Present,"Performance Practice Review: Vol. 8: No. 1, Article 8. 


It had two arcaded levels of galleries and the acting area, as usual, spilt forward on to the floor of the house. As rebuilt thirty-five years later by Giovanni's son, Ludovico, it had three tiers of galleries on an awkward rectangular plan, but a splendid trompe-1' ceil ceiling which made it seem larger than it really was.


In: Tidworth, Simon : Theatres: An Illustrated History. London 1973 p.74



Autori: Simon Tidworth, Ingeborg Harer

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