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Shaftesbury Theatre

Bertie Crewe

Storia del teatroSupplementodati tecniciHistoric equipment

Eventi importanti

(dettaglio)1911 | opening


Bertie Crewe |architetto principale


The Shaftesbury, formerly the Prince's, opened as a blood-and-thunder house on 26 December 1911. The dynamic is still fiery and consistent. The side boxes, within their French Renaissance frontispiece, tie up beautifully with the two balconies; the plasterwork, although cheaply constructed, is deeper and richer than ever; the statuary is flamboyant and well-scaled -a suitable environment for the melodramas that were to fill the stage and thrill the popular audiences, who paid between sixpence and five shillings for the pleasure.


In: Glasstone, Victor: Victorian and Edwardian Theatres: An Architectural and Social Survey. Harvard 1975 p. 130



Autore: Victor Glasstone

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