Nazaj v seznam Theatre database

Theatre of Young Artists

Zgodovina gledališčaPrilogatehnični podatkiHistoric equipment

Pomembni dogodki

(Podrobnosti)26.6.1790 | opening

(Podrobnosti)8.8.1807 | closure


"It stood upon the boulevard Saint Martin, at the corner of the rue de Lancry, and was constructed after the designs of M. Sobre. Its form was a parallelogram of one hundred and two feet by forty-five. The front presented three arcades sup­ported by four columns of Ionic proportions, with com­posite capitals. Above the arcades were four-winged genii in bas-relief, supporting garlands. The whole was surmounted by an entablature and a pediment. The portico led into a vestibule, above which was the saloon: the windows of the latter opened upon a balcony under the portico. The house was thirty-six feet in length by twenty-one in breadth. It contained two tiers of boxes, and held five hundred and twenty spectators. A private house has been built on its site."


In:  Whittaker, G. B.: The History of Paris from the Earliest Period to the Present Day: Vol. II. London, 1825



Avtor: G. B Whittaker

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