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Carl Theodor Ottmer

Zgodovina gledališčaPrilogatehnični podatkiHistoric equipment

Pomembni dogodki

(Podrobnosti)8.4.1827 | opening
Built 1825-1827 by Karl Theodor Ottmer. Opened 8 Apr 1827 with a mass by Carl Friedrich Fasch and a chorale by Carl Friedrich Zelter.
(Podrobnosti)1848 | reconstruction
reconstruction : H. Bürde
(Podrobnosti)1865 | reconstruction
reconstruction by Martin Gropius
(Podrobnosti)1875 | reconstruction
reconstruction by M. Hellwig
(Podrobnosti)1888 | reconstruction
reconstruction by Reimer & Körte
(Podrobnosti)22.11.1943 | conflagration
Destroyed by bombs on 22 Nov 1943.
(Podrobnosti)1947 | Rekonstruction
Rekonstruction and rebuilding by Fritz Bornemann as a theatre for the Sowjetic Kulturcentrum, since 1952 Maxim-Gorki-Theater.
(Podrobnosti)30.10.1952 | Re-opened
Re-opened 30 Oct 1952 with "Für die auf See".





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