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Navigation:  Theatre Database

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Basic data

The name of the theatre:
   to:    from:  Number of seatsType of space:

Historical data

Event   to:    from:  Date of event
Decorative painted curtain:Decorative painted ceiling:
Historic stage machinery:Historic scenery:
Historic costumes:Historic props:
Existing building:Exists as a theatre:
Built for other purpose:Already Used for other purpose:

Technical data

   to:    from:  WidthFlyloft:
   to:    from:  Height of stageBack stage:
   to:    from:  Depth of stageSide stage:
   to:    from:  Height of stage portalRevolving stage:
   to:    from:  Width of stage portalTrap room:
Equipment for subtitles:Stage lifts (mechanical parts of stage floor):
Equipment for interpretation:
Orchestra pit:   to:    from:  Capacity

Search result: alphabetical order | map | time axis

search result

found 4875 theatre(s)