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Leo Kammel

Geburtsdatum: 1885
Todesdatum: 1948
Hauptberuf: Architekt
Links: Architektenlexikon (n/a)

Disciple of Jan Kotěra, he is considerred as a main representative of  the direction in architecture in  1920´s in Vienna, which is  infuenced by cubism .  Remarkable are his projects from 1920´s , which are deeply influenced by his relation to Czech cubist architecture. Later he inclined rather to Functionalism.

Source: Architektenlexikon

found 2 theatre(s)

Hvězda Cinema (Hauptarchitekt)

Tschechische Republik  |  Kamenický Šenov  |  Auf der Karte zeigen

Town Theatre Krnov (Hauptarchitekt)

Tschechische Republik  |  Krnov  |  Auf der Karte zeigen

Bühnen: Main stage