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Gottfried Semper, Carl v. Hasenauer

alias K. K. Hof- und Nationaltheater (1888–1918), Theater nächst der Burg (1741–1888), Burgtheater / Hofburgtheater
Geschichte des TheatersAnhangtechnische AngabenHistorische Ausstattung

Wichtige Ereignisse

(Detail)14.10.1888 | Burgtheater building at Ringstrasse

On 14 October 1888 the theatre moved to its today’s building at Ringstrasse. The building was designed by Gottfried Semper and Karl Freiherr von Hasenauer. These two architects also designed the New Hofburg and the twin museums in Vienna: Naturhistorisches Museum (Museum of Natural History) and Kunsthistorisches Museum (Museum of Art History).

(Detail)50. s 20. Jahrhundert | Reconstruction
Between 1953 nad 1955 the building of Burgtheater underwent a restoration according the designs by Michael Engelhart, Otto Niedermoser. Court loge was  replaced by two luxury loges and two middle galleries, conversion of the dome into a slanting roof meant improvement of acoustics, hanging lustres were replaced by chandeliers attached to the ceiling.





Autoren: Brigitte Marschall, Fritz Trümpi

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