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Historia del teatrosuplementodatos técnicosEquipamiento histórico

eventos importantes

(Detalle)1833 | opening
Built 1829-1833 by Georg Moller. Opened on 21th Sep of 1833 with "Jubelouverture" by Weber and "La clemenza di Tito" by Mozart having the capacity of 1500 seats.
(Detalle)1863 | reconstruction
Installation of dual proscenium boxes by Josef Laske.
(Detalle)1876 | reconstruction by Eduard Kreyßig

(Detalle)90. de 19. siglo | reconstruction
Reconstruction in 1898-1899 by Ferdinand Fellner & Hermann Helmer (extension of storage rooms, reconsruction of the roof, installation of an iron curtain, renovation of the heating system). Re-opened on 18 Sep of 1899 with Gounod's "Faust". (In: Carthalia )
(Detalle)10. de 20. siglo | reconstruction
Major rebuilding by Adolf Gelius (front extension by a foyer, extension by a new storey, rebuilding of stagehouse, alterations of auditorium). (In: Carthalia )
(Detalle)30. de 20. siglo | reconstruction

(Detalle)1942 | conflagration
Destroyed by conflagration after bombing.
(Detalle)50. de 20. siglo | 1950-1951
Rebuilt by Richard Jörg. Re-opened on 24 Nov of 1951 with a ballet performance.
(Detalle)1977 | reconstruction
Auditorium alterations by Dieter Gesterlen (opera: 801 seats, drama: 887 seats), widely seen as unsatisfactory in every respect with bad acoustics, sightlines, and low comfort. (In: Carthalia )


Georg Moller |arquitecto principal
Richard Jörg |arquitecto
Adolf Gelius |arquitecto
(Detalle)Hermann Helmer |arquitecto
The phenomenon of the architects Fellner and Helmer would be difficult to capture with only one building. Their work consisted of continual, although somewhat stereotypical, work in terms of style. They placed a great emphasis on achieving the technical-operational needs of theatre buildings. They created a large number of theatres (mainly national theatres) in Central Europe - Austria, Croatia, Romania, the Czech Republic, etc.Más teatros

Joseph Laské |constructor




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