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Adam Mickiewicz Theatre

Historia del teatrosuplementodatos técnicosEquipamiento histórico


(Detalle)Hermann Helmer |arquitecto
The phenomenon of the architects Fellner and Helmer would be difficult to capture with only one building. Their work consisted of continual, although somewhat stereotypical, work in terms of style. They placed a great emphasis on achieving the technical-operational needs of theatre buildings. They created a large number of theatres (mainly national theatres) in Central Europe - Austria, Croatia, Romania, the Czech Republic, etc.Más teatros

Jan Herma |sculptor
Heinrich Hender |sculptor


The Adam Mickiewicz Theatre was designed by outstanding Viennese architects Ferdinand Fellner and Hermann Helmer in the style of modernised late Viennese Baroque; it perfectly fits the urban design of the city. It has a seven-axis façade with a projection crowned by a triangle tympanum; the whole structure is covered by a tall, mansard roof. The interior design, with its rich decoration, is worth noticing, especially the decoration of the scenic frame, of the balconies and of the foyer. The latter has repeatedly attracted filmmakers: The Promised Land by Andrzej Wajda, as well as a television series about Helena Modrzejewska by Jan Łomnicki were shot here. The theatre does not have its own company of actors, but it organises impresario performances of theatres, music and dance groups, as well as cabarets. Some events, such as Theatre Workshops with the Master, the Theatre Festival WITHOUT BORDERS are held on a regular basis.


Teatr im. Adama Mickiewicza



Plac Teatralny 1 · 43-400 Cieszyn · Poland · tel. +48 33 857 75 90, +48 33 858 16 52

E-Mail: teatr_cieszyn@poczta.onet.pl · www.teatr.cieszyn.pl

Visits: by appoitment.

by appoitment.


Literature and sources:


  1. State Archives in Katowice. Branch in Cieszyn. Section: Akta Miasta Cieszyna; Section: Deutscher Theaten/erein Teschen 1910–1939.
  2. Książnica Cieszyńska
  3. Museum of Cieszyn Silesia


  1. Brzeski H., Teatr Polski Ośrodka Bielsko-Cieszyn, [in:] „Zaranie Śląskie" 1947, No. 1-2.
  2. Cieszyński Teatr im. A. Mickiewicza wczoraj i dziś, ed. F. Glajc, K. Okrzesik, Cieszyn 1979.
  3. Fołtyn J., Teatr im. A. Mickiewicza, „Cieszyński Rocznik Muzealny" 1970-1971, ed. R. Mrózek, Cieszyn 1972.
  4. Glajc Franciszek, Rzecz o cieszyńskim teatrze, Cieszyn 1995.
  5. Gołębiowski K., Mrózek R., Życie kulturalno-umysłowe [in:] Cieszyn. Zarys rozwoju miasta i powiatu, Katowice 1979.
  6. Iwanek W., Architektura historyzmu i secesji w Cieszynie (Próba zarysu), [in:] Z dziejów sztuki Górnego Śląska i Zagłębia Dąbrowskiego, Katowice 1982.
  7. Pindór M., Teatr w Cieszynie i jego stuletnie dzieje (1910-2010), Wydawnictwo Logos Press, Cieszyn 2010.
  8. Spyra J., Teatr w Cieszynie, „Wiadomości Ratuszowe" 6 V, 20 V, 3 VI, 17 VI 2005.
  9. Świecka architektura Cieszyna, „Rocznik Cieszyński" III, Cieszyn.
  10. X-lecie Państwowego Teatru Polskiego Bielsko-Cieszyn 1945-1955, Bielsko-Biała 1955.



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