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Olimpic Theatre

Andrea Palladio

Historia del teatrosuplementodatos técnicosEquipamiento histórico

eventos importantes

(Detalle)3.3.1585 | Opening


(Detalle)Andrea Palladio |arquitecto principal

Italian architect, whose surname (from Pallas) was bestowed on him by his benefactor, J. G. Trissino, and has in turn given its name to the Palladian style of architecture, based on the principles of antiquity as Palladio interpreted them in his buildings and in his Quattro libri dell'architettura, published in Venice in 1570. This was translated into English by Inigo Jones, who was a pupil and admirer of Palladio and imported his ideas into England, influencing both the theatre and public architecture there. Palladio designed the Teatro Olimpico, which was finished after his death by his pupil Scamozzi.


IN: Hartnoll, Phyllis, ed. The concise Oxford companion to the theatre. 1st ed. London: Oxford University Press, 1972.  ISBN 0-19-281102-9. p. 413


Andrea Palladio began this masterwork on behalf of the “Accademia Olimpica” in early 1580. Following the unexpected death of the architect on 19 August the same year, it took five years to complete the building. Inside a closed space reminiscent of an ancient open-air theatre, Palladio placed a monumental Scenae frons (stage wall) and semi-elliptical auditorium with thirteen steps for the audience, crowned by a colonnade. Statues of members of the Academy dressed as Romans and reliefs with the adventures of Hercules adorn the room. Through the three arches of the Scenae frons the streets of Thebes are visible – a wooden, permanent stage decoration created by Scamozzi for the first performance in this theatre on 3 March 1585, “Oedipus the tyrant” by Sophocles. Next to the auditorium there are richly decorated halls. In one of them a monochrome fries from around 1595 documents events organized by the Academy.



Visits: Tue – Sun 09:00 – 17:00. Closed Mondays and during special events

Tel.: +39 0444 222800, Fax: +39 0444 222804, E-mail: museocivico@comune.vicenza.itwww.museicivicivicenza.it, www.comune.vicenza.it/vicenza/teatroolimpico.php




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