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Town Theatre

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(detail)11.4.1877 | first stage
The municipal theatre occupies a sector of a block of building that is adjacent to the Renaissance town hall and which  essential part was built in 1880s, but a theatre came into existence here earlier already in 1869, when the municipality had a hall be made in the building next to the town hall that was used to balls and social events only at first.  On 11th April of 1877, a provisional stage was erected here, which was used until 1881.
(detail)1881 | construction
On 5th of Decemeber  1876 was decided to build a permanent theatre stage. Reconstruction of the houses N. 2 and 3 was carried out in the spring of 1881. The municipal theatre was located in the rear sector  and its last performance was played on 10th May of 1881 and the activity was temporalily suspended thereafter.  Painter A. Messner was assigned by painting work and builder Rudolf  Moser by construction works.
(detail)5.1.1883 | opening
The theatre was ceremonially opened on 5th January of 1883.
(detail)1949 | reconstruction
The theatre was maintained by repairs, adaptations and minor extensions at first, but later, especially between 1939—48, dilapidated so much that is threatened to collapse. It was completely reconstructed in 1949.
(detail)70. 's 20. century | reconstruction
Large reconstruction of the interior was carried out in 1974 – 1980 according to the design made in SÚRPMO company. The ceremonial reopening took place in November of 1981.
(detail)17.9.2010 | opening
The theatre was reconstructed in 2009–2010 according to the design by Lukaš Velišek, Jakub Havel, Jan Oppelt and  Architektonical atelier Aleš. The ceremonial reopening took place on 17th September of 2010.


Jakub Havel |architect
Jan Oppelt |architect


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