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Pomembni dogodki

(Podrobnosti)1847 | opening


Three medieval castles, belonging to the UNESCO world cultural heritage, tower above the city of Bellinzona on the southern edge of the Alps. In the heart of the town, a typically Italian theatre can be found. A Milan architect was mandated by a corporation and sought inspiration from the Scala opera house in Milan. With its fresh green colours, white-golden stucco masks and decorations, the theatre is a faithful recreation of the original building inaugurated in 1847. The sides of the boxes are preserved in both circles. The theatre season runs from October to April.

Teatro Sociale Bellinzona • Piazza Governo 11 • 6501 Bellinzona • Switzerland • +41 (0)91 825 48 18 • info@teatrosociale.chwww.teatrosociale.ch

Visits: all year round on request: Ufficio Turistico di Bellinzona, main station CFF, + 41 (0)91 825 21 31

Festivals: Festival Territori (July), www.territori.ch



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