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Third Theatre of Pécs

Zgodovina gledališčaPrilogatehnični podatkiHistoric equipment

Pomembni dogodki

(Podrobnosti)1995 | opening


The theatre is operating in Hajnóczy street no. 4. in Pécs without its own company.

The theatre was founded in 1986; searching new formal and content possibilities of artistic activity differing from professional and amateur theatres. The theatre was used as the community centre of former uranium miners. From 1995 the theatre has its own building.

The theatre building is located a little bit out from the downtown area, at first giving the impression of an industrial building. The truss building could have built between ‘70s and ‘80s. The ground floor tiled with slabs, the upper level’s console is covered with metal cladding sheets.  The entrance is in the centre-axle of Hajnóczy Street’s facade. On the first floor 1 meter steel frames hang out on which advertisements of the performances are stretched out making the facade design more interesting.



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