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Pomembni dogodki

(Podrobnosti)1656 | opening

(Podrobnosti)1747 | fire

(Podrobnosti)1889 | closure


The Teatro San Samuele, Venice was one of opera 's most prestigious among those active in the canal city (seven in all), during the eighteenth century . It was built in 1656 on commission from the Grimani family and was primarily intended for dramatic productions, and later, during the following century, operas and ballet. Destroyed by fire in September 1747, it was rebuilt by the Grimani family who moved serious opera productions to the new and more elegant Teatro San Benedetto (St. Benét), and reserved the San Samuele stage for the productions of the new, and more fashionable opera buffa (Italian comic opera). The theater was rebuilt in record time and reopened in May of 1748. The stages were reduced from six to five orders but the original structure remained unchanged.


In: http://sofaithfulaheart.blogspot.cz/2010/06/places-venice-italy-teatro-san-samuele.html



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