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Théâtre Louvois

Alexandre-Théodore Brongniart

Zgodovina gledališčaPrilogatehnični podatkiHistoric equipment

Pomembni dogodki

(Podrobnosti)1791 | opening

(Podrobnosti)1825 | Closure

(Podrobnosti)1899 | demolition



"The edifice is disadvantageously situated: being sur­rounded by houses on three sides, it has no entrance but by the rue de Louvois. In its primitive state the theatre was spacious, commodious, and plain. It contained four tiers of boxes, which formed balconies of a light and elegant form. The pit was forty-four feet in diameter, and had no baignoires. In 1801 it was repaired under the direction of Pfeyre and Clement, who decorated it with arabesques in imitation of bronze. At length, having been purchased by the government, the Thifitre de Lou­vois was newly embellished by M. Delannoi.
This theatre forms a parallelogram of one hundred and twenty-four feet by sixty-six. Its front, decorated at the ground floor with a range of three-quarter Doric columns supporting a cornice, presents two rows of large arched windows, surmounted by an entablature and a pediment. It has no portico, nor any of the external characteristics of a public edifice.
The interior, of a circular form, is thirty-five feet in diameter, taken at the front of the first gallery, and forty feet at that of the first tier of boxes. "


In:  Whittaker, G. B.: The History of Paris from the Earliest Period to the Present Day: Vol. II. London, 1825 p. 490



Avtor: G. B Whittaker

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