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Elizabethan Playhouses

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Pomembni dogodki

(Podrobnosti)1576 | The Theater
Built by James Burbage, 1576; pulled down 1598.
(Podrobnosti)1576 | The Curtain
Pulled down c. 1630;
(Podrobnosti)1581 | Paul's
First roofed theatre; situated in the Choir Singing School, near the Convocation House (St. Paul's); built c. 1581; suppressed, 1590-6; last trace of, c. 1608; burnt down in Great Fire, 1666
(Podrobnosti)1586 | Newington Butts.
Unroofed theatre; situated in Lambeth; built c. 1586; pulled down c. 1603.
(Podrobnosti)1587 | The Rose
Small, unroofed theatre; situated on the Bankside in Southwark; built between 1587 and 1592; first referred to in 1592, last in 1603; authentic views: (Exterior) Norden's Map, 1593; Ryther's Map, 1604. See Individual entry The Rose.




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