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Opera of Monnaie

Joseph Poelaert

Zgodovina gledališčaPrilogatehnični podatkiHistoric equipment

Pomembni dogodki

(Podrobnosti)17.10.1700 | First theatre
The first theatre on the site was built in 1700 by Paolo Bezzi and Pedro Bezzi. Opened with Lully's "Atys".
(Podrobnosti)1820 | demolition

(Podrobnosti)25.5.1819 | Second theatre
The theatre was built 1816-1819 by Louis-Emmanuel-Aimé Damesme, on the adjacent site to the first theatre. Opened with M. Bernard's prologue "Momus á la nouvelle salle" and Grétry's opera "La Caravane de Caire".
(Podrobnosti)21.1.1855 | fire
The theatre was destroyed by fire.
(Podrobnosti)24.3.1856 | Opening
The theatre was built between 1855-1856 by Joseph Poelaert.





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