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London Palladium

Frank Matcham

Zgodovina gledališčaPrilogatehnični podatkiHistoric equipment

Pomembni dogodki

(Podrobnosti)1868 | construction
Erected as Corinthian Bazaar to the design by Owen Lewis
(Podrobnosti)1871 | Alteration
converted to circus building to the design by Jethro Thomas Robinson and it opened as Hengler's Grand Cirque in October 1871.
(Podrobnosti)1884 | Alteration
Enlarged and altered by C. J. Phipps.
(Podrobnosti)26.10.1910 | Openiong
Converted to a theatre to the design by Frank Matcham. Opened as the Palladium 26 December 1910 with a variety programme which included Nellie Wallace, Whit Cunliffe, Ella Retford, Ella Shields and Martin Harvey in a one-act play, The Conspiracy with a capacity of 2338 spectators.



the Era of 24 December 1910 describes it: ". . . brilliant in white and gold, with seating in warm red, the house sounds the last word in luxury and appointment, and the magnificent sweep of the dress circle presents a remarkable appearance from the stage. In the great Palm Court at the back of the stalls, one thousand persons can be comfortably served with tea. This is a very striking feature of the Palladium and the Palm Court is of all Norwegian Rose granite which, especially, looks extremely attractive. In this Palm Court a ladies' orchestra will play daily between performances. The decorations are very beautiful, Rose du Barri hangings adorn the boxes, and upholstery of the same colour has been employed in the stalls, while the orchestra is enclosed by a marble balustrade, Generally speaking, the colour scheme of the walls is pink, white and gold, with coloured marbles, and certainly there is not a dull note anywhere. The walls of the main vestibule are painted silver. Perhaps the most unique feature is the box to box telephone that has been installed. It will therefore be possible for the occupants of one box, recognising friends in another box, to enter into conversation with them. "


In:   Mander, Raymond a Mitcheson, Joe. The theatres of London.London, 1963 p. 128



Avtorji: Raymond Mander, Joe Mitcheson

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