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Theater des Westens

Bernhard Sehring

Zgodovina gledališčaPrilogatehnični podatkiHistoric equipment

Pomembni dogodki

(Podrobnosti)1.10.1896 | opening
Constructed in 1895-1896 according to the design by architect Bernhard Sehring, it was opened on 1st October of 1896 with a fairy tale, Holger Drachmann's Tausendundeine Nacht.
(Podrobnosti)25.8.1912 | fire
Destroyed by fire on 25th Aug of 1912. Subsequently rebuilt.
(Podrobnosti)1946 | Reconstruction
Only the roof destroyed during the war, provisorium 1946-1961 for Städtische Opera.
(Podrobnosti)1978 | Reconstruction
modernization of stage technology
(Podrobnosti)80. leta 20. stoletja | Reconstruction
1981-1982 rebuilding of the auditorium roof to Sehring's original design. 1984 restoration of auditorium and foyers to Sehring's original designs. New auditorium ceiling painting by Manfred Blessmann. 1988 exterior restoration. (In: Carthalia )





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