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Lyric Theatre

Charles John Phipps

Zgodovina gledališčaPrilogatehnični podatkiHistoric equipment

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(Podrobnosti)1888 | opening



The Lyric Theatre was built by Henry Leslie, a producer who used his profits from the opera Dorothy to finance the construction of the theatre on Shaftesbury Avenue. At the time, this was the second theatre to be constructed on the western end of Shaftesbury avenue. It is now the oldest theatre on the street. It opened for the first time on the 17 December 1888.

It has undergone several refurbishments, including the foyer and bars in 1932 and the facade in 1996. The current capacity is 967, with seats located in four tiers. The theatre had originally been designed to have a seated capacity of 1,306.

The Lyric Theatre is a Grade II listed building by English Heritage, which was assigned in September 1960. It has held on to many of its original features and is still located an original 1767 house front, which is the former house and museum of Sir William Hunter. 


Text courtesy of the theatre.



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