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Zgodovina gledališčaPrilogatehnični podatkiHistoric equipment

Pomembni dogodki

(Podrobnosti)15.6.1816 | opening
An older building was completely rebuilt to the designs of Samuel Beazley.
(Podrobnosti)16.2.1830 | fire
Conflagration completely destroyed the structure.
(Podrobnosti)4.7.1834 | opening
Erected to the design by Samuel Beazley with the now still remaining frontage in Wellington Street.
(Podrobnosti)1882 | Alteration
To the design by C. J. Phipps.
(Podrobnosti)1884 | alteration
To the design by C. J. Phipps.
(Podrobnosti)31.12.1904 | opening
Designed by Bertie Crewe and built by J. Parkinson.





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