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Theater in der "Favorita"

Lodovico Ottavio Burnacini

Zgodovina gledališčaPrilogatehnični podatkiHistoric equipment

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(Podrobnosti)1691 | opening



A room in the former summer castle (built 1615-20). After the fire of 1683 (resulting from the Turkish siege) L.O. Burnacini rebuilt the castle (1687-91). Operas were presented in the Comoedien oder opern Saall (probably the oldest room in Vienna where opera was performed) or in the garden (i.e., at the lake—where Johann Joseph Fux's Angelica, vintrice d'Alcina was presented in 1716— or at the grotta).


In: Harer, Ingeborg (1995) "Musical Venues in Vienna, Seventeenth Century to the Present,"Performance Practice Review: Vol. 8: No. 1, Article 8.



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