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Hesse State Theatre Wiesbaden

Ferdinand Fellner, Hermann Helmer

Zgodovina gledališčaPrilogatehnični podatkiHistoric equipment

Pomembni dogodki

(Podrobnosti)16.10.1894 | opening
Constructed in 1892-1894 according to the design by architects Ferdinand Fellner and Hermann Helmer in Baroque Revival style, following models in Prague and Zurich. Seating capacity in 1894 was 1327.
(Podrobnosti)1902 | Reconstruction
The Foyer was built in 1902 by architect Felix Genzmer.
(Podrobnosti)2.2.1945 | fire
The theatre was hit by aerial bombs.
(Podrobnosti)X.3.1945 | fire
The theatre was hit by artillery fire.
(Podrobnosti)70. leta 20. stoletja | Reconstruction
Seating capacity in 1978 was 1041. Stage Reconstructed in 1975. Opened with Richard Wagners „Meistersinger von Nürnberg" on 13th May of 1978.





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