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Zgodovina gledališčaPrilogatehnični podatkiHistoric equipment

Pomembni dogodki

(Podrobnosti)1714 | construction
Built 1714 as "Ball-und Caffee-Haus" by converting a brewery. Used as an university ballroom and theatre. Subsequently used for theatre performances by touring companies (until 1868 also known as "Stadttheater").
(Podrobnosti)26.12.1822 | opening
opened 26 Dec 1822 with Goethe's "Egmont".
(Podrobnosti)1831 | reconstruction
extension by a neighbouring house
(Podrobnosti)1870 | reconstruction
converted to a concert hall and ballroom
(Podrobnosti)20. leta 20. stoletja | interior reconstruction

(Podrobnosti)1982 | Closure
Closed due to safety concerns.
(Podrobnosti)90. leta 20. stoletja | reconstruction
1991-1993 major renovation, interior restoration to the 1870 designs. Re-opened 1994.




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