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Hvězda Cinema

Leo Kammel

Zgodovina gledališčaPrilogatehnični podatkiHistoric equipment

Pomembni dogodki

(Podrobnosti)1928 | reconstruction
The building was constructed in 1928 as a theatre, but during the construction also the rentability was considered and so it was equipped as a cinema as well. The construction works were carried out by builder Langer according to the design by Viennese architect Leo Kammel.
(Podrobnosti)70. leta 20. stoletja | reconstruction

The structure underwent large remodelling of inner space in the 1970. The ceilings were lowered, balcony and orchestra pit removed. The interior was completelly restructured to the design by Vilém Boháč. A very modern wide screen cinema for that time came into existence here, which commenced its operation in 1980.





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Prosim, vnesite podatke o gledališču, najman 10 znakov.
