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Big Stone Theatre of Saint Petersburg

Zgodovina gledališčaPrilogatehnični podatkiHistoric equipment

Pomembni dogodki

(Podrobnosti)1783 | construction
It was built in to Antonio Rinaldi's Neoclassical design.
(Podrobnosti)1802 | alteration
It was rebuilt in 1802 according to the designs of the architect Thomas de Thomon.
(Podrobnosti)1811 | fire

(Podrobnosti)1818 | alteration
The building was restored in 1818.
(Podrobnosti)1836 | alteration
The building was modified in 1826–1836 by Alberto Cavos to accommodate more modern machinery. .
(Podrobnosti)1886 | closure
In 1886 the building was declared unsafe and then torn down to make place for the Saint Petersburg Conservatory.





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