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Municipal Theatre

Hermann Helmer, Ferdinand Fellner

Zgodovina gledališčaPrilogatehnični podatkiHistoric equipment

Pomembni dogodki

(Podrobnosti)1906 | architectural competition
Restricted competition for a theatre building was announced in 1906, which was won by the Fellner & Helmer atelier in collaboration with Hans Meyer. Other participants were Martin Dülfer, Bernhard Sehring, Carl Moritz and C. Tittrich.
(Podrobnosti)23.7.1907 | opening
The theatre was opened on 23rd July 1907 with Der Zerbrochene Krug by Heinrich von Kleist and Wallenstein's Camp by Friedrich Schiller. The exterior of the building is decorated in a simple Art Nouveau style.
(Podrobnosti)6.12.1944 | fire
The auditorium fell prey to fire, caused by an allied air strike.
(Podrobnosti)1951 | renovation
The auditorium and the foyer were renovated, however, the historical style elements were lost. The reopening of the theatre took place on 18th November 1951 with Wagner's "Tannhäuser".





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