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Playhouse Wilhelmsbad

Franz Ludwig Crancrin

Zgodovina gledališčaPrilogatehnični podatkiHistoric equipment

Pomembni dogodki

(Podrobnosti)8.7.1781 | opening
Opened on 8th July of 1781 with François André Danican's operetta "Tom Jones".
(Podrobnosti)1785 | closure
Closed 1785 after the prince's departure from Hanau to Kassel. Briefly revived as a theatre for seasons in 1852 and 1861. After 1945 used as a warehouse. (In: Carthalia )
(Podrobnosti)60. leta 20. stoletja | Restoration
Restored by Ferdinand Kramer (Kämpfer, Hanau & Kramer) in 1968-1970. Seating capacity: 211



This theatre owns its exis tence to Prince Wilhelm of Hesse-Kassel, heir to the throne of Kurhesse. In January 1781 he ordered the treasury in Hanau to allocate 3500 florins “for the construction of a Comoedien Haus [playhouse] at Wilhelmsbad”, his brand-new spa. On July 8,1781 the theatre – built to plans by the Councillor Franz Ludwig von Cancrin – was inaugurated with the operetta “Tom Jones” by François André Danican. Theatre performances and concerts are still taking place in the Comoedienhaus, mostly organized by Comoedienhaus Ltd., i.e. the City of Hanau culture department, and the Hanau theatre association. In summer, the Comoedienhaus and the surrounding historic spa gardens are a unique festival location.



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